Sworn translation service

Nowadays, sworn translation is a highly demanded service. Our translation agency offers this service in several languages and does it with optimum quality and at an unbeatable price.
Servicio de traducción jurada

Official sworn translator : Sworn translation service

The sworn translation service is becoming increasingly important due to the internationalization of companies. In addition, Spanish legislation supports its necessity. That is, official documents not written in Spanish require a sworn translation.

What is a sworn translator?

A sworn translator is a translator accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC). This ministry grants him/her a stamp to perform translations valid in Spain and abroad.

What is a sworn translation?

A sworn translation is an official translation that presents:

  • The stamp and signature of the sworn translator.
  • The certification at the end of the document certifying the translation.

It provides legal validity to the translated document to be submitted to any agency.

How much does a sworn translation cost ?

Regarding the price, a per-word rate is applied depending on the language combination and the type of document.
It will also depend on the urgency, the type of text, its length and complexity.
If the sworn translation is brief, a minimum rate per document will be applied.
To get a personalized quote, please send us the document you need translated.


Traducción Jurada Ingles


Traducción Jurada Francés


Traducción Jurada Alemán


Traducción Jurada Gallego


Traducción Jurada Euskera


Traducción Jurada Italiano


Traducción Jurada Griego



Traducción Jurada Holandés


Traducción Jurada Sueco


Traducción Jurada Checo


Traducción Jurada Bulgaro


Traducción Jurada Polaco


Traducción Jurada Ruso


Traducción Jurada Turco


Traducción Jurada Hebreo


Traducción Jurada Arabe


Traducción Jurada Chino


Traducción Jurada Noruego


Traducción Jurada Rumano


Traducción Jurada Japonés


Traducción Jurada Latín


Traducción Jurada Catalán


Traducción Jurada Persa

How long does a sworn translation take ?

The time required for a sworn translation will depend on the length, type and complexity of the document.

How do I request a certified translation?

To request a sworn translation you can contact us through the web, e-mail or telephone.

How will I receive my certified translation?

We will send you the sworn translation scanned in PDF and the translation on paper, stamped and signed by the sworn translator.

Why do I need a sworn translation?

Here are some of the occasions when a sworn translation is needed.

  • Immigration formalities: Temporary residency in Spain, family reunification, etc.
  • Celebration of marriages: The sworn translation of marriage certificates is essential for entering into marriage with a person of foreign nationality.
  • Educational procedures: Some require the sworn translation of transcripts or academic records.
  • Labor procedures: Letters of recommendation, contracts, among many others.
  • Tax formalities: Sworn translations of taxes and tax certificates.
  • Imports: Sworn translations of commercial invoices of commercial invoices, goods certificates, among others.
  • Notarial procedures: Sworn translation of powers of attorney and other notarial deeds.
  • Judicial procedures: Sworn translations of sentences or court decisions, among others.

What kind of documents require a sworn translation?

Some documents that require a sworn translation are the following:

  • University degrees and diplomas.
  • Birth certificates.
  • Marriage certificates.
  • Criminal Record Certificates.
  • Identity documents.
  • Deeds and notarial certificates.

In which languages can a sworn translation be done ?

Sworn translations by a sworn translator appointed in Spain will be from or into the official languages.
When a sworn translation is required from or into non-official languages, a cross sworn translation will be made.
First, into Spanish and then another sworn translation will be made from Spanish into the required target language.
In this way, many languages other than the official languages of the country that qualifies the translator can be covered.

What is legalization and the Hague Apostille?

The purpose of the legalization of foreign documents is to make them effective in Spain.
The Hague Apostille simplifies this procedure by means of a stamp and a signature on the document.
But it is only valid for countries that are members of the Hague Convention.
Therefore, the legalization of foreign documents, unless there is legislation to the contrary, will be carried out by means of the following:

  • The Apostille, in case the country is a member of the Convention.
  • A different legalization route, if the country is not a member of the Convention.

Translinguo Global’s sworn translation service relies on the best sworn translators.
Our translators have extensive knowledge in the legal and economic fields to provide quality translations.
What are you waiting for to request a quote?
We are at your disposal to provide you with the sworn translation you need depending on the process you need to carry out.

Translinguo Global ISO-9001

ISO 9001:

The most widely recognized quality management worldwide.
The best known in business and organizations, with recognized credentials and continuous improvement.
Still doubting us?

Translinguo Global ISO-17100

ISO 17100:

European standard that sets out the quality standards for the translation activity.
We only work with translators who can provide certified proof, this is key in sworn translation.

Phone:+34 91 123 27 63
Whatsapp: +34 622 621 527!
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traductor españa

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