General translation services

Allmän översättning bygger på översättning av texter med olika innehåll eller teman som kännetecknas av ett klart och exakt språk som undviker alla slags tvetydigheter och är tillgängligt för alla typer av målgrupper.
General translation services

General translation – if you need help with general translation services, this is your department.

Will you question the seriousness of your work when you use a poorly done translation? We’ll help you make sure this doesn’t happen. Our general translation service at Translinguo Globall® guarantees that this does not happen.

Who are our general translation services for?

Our services focus on any individual or company that needs help with translation. In this case we are talking about general translation but our services are broader than that.

We have experts in authorised translation, revision, etc. In addition, they have the experience needed for the orders that our clients give us.

Clients receive translations that respect the content of the text and work in the target culture.

What kind of texts do we translate?

General translation covers texts that do not present many technical or terminological difficulties.

Within the general translation service, we can emphasise journalistic and advertising texts.

Also letters and emails, as well as letters of introduction and recommendation, etc.

It is also worth mentioning the texts on tourism and gastronomy, information on art and culture, CVs, etc.

These are all informative texts and do not require a high degree of specialisation on the part of the translator. These documents also do not affect misunderstandings of the translation.

Why trust Translinguo Global?

We are currently the translation agency in Madrid with the most projection thanks to the development of business relations with companies.

We work with the ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 certifications.

We must also highlight other features that make us different:

  • Punctuality

We fulfil time requirements through speed and punctuality. Our hallmark is quality and efficiency.

  • Professional translators

    Our translation agency has professional experts and native speakers with a wide range of skills. Likewise, our team is prepared to lead all types of management and projects. Many of the companies’ sales drop because they do not know how to communicate. This happens when you don’t hire professional translators. If this is your case, we are your translation agency…

  • Experience

We have more than ten years of experience in the sector. We are ready to act.

  • Customer satisfaction

Our customers appreciate the quality of our service. Our good prices and above all the professional attention we work with.

  • Competitive prices

The price is determined by the time the order will take, the word count and the language.

We work to make them as economical as possible. Thanks to our systems that enable word matching and reduce the cost of translation.

What are the ISO certifications?

The ISO standards are a set of universal standards with the aim of making business equal. They guarantee the quality, safety and efficiency of our services and products.

Our company builds on the ISO 17100 and ISO 9001 certifications to refine its processes and translation services. This increases the confidence of our clients.

Translinguo Global ISO-17100

ISO 17100 is the recognised standard in the translation industry. This certification means that the company meets the standards for providing quality translation services.


Translinguo Global ISO-9001

ISO 9001 can be applied to quality management in public and private organisations. It is the most recognised standard in the world. It is an excellent working method for improving the quality of products and services, as well as customer satisfaction.


Our translation agency fulfils management processes to achieve high quality standards.

What do we offer in this general translation service?

General translation refers to the type of translation that is not inscribed in a highly specialised or technical field. Therefore, it includes about different typologies that are textual and thematic.

At Translinguo Global®, the documentation and adaptation process is as thorough as in a specialised text.

The benefits of hiring a company like ours go beyond the basics. In translation, the order of factors changes the product.

We centralise all types of translations, you save time and money, we cover a greater level of scrutiny and quality of translations. We offer a quality product with security and guarantee.

Our large-scale translation services are flawless. Just as in the specialised translation, authorised, text and style review…

How do you contact us?

At Translinguo Global®, we are happy to help you at any time. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Fill in our form, write to us by email or by phone. Getting access is very easy, click here. We do everything in our hands for you to get a professional result.

We are the TRANSLATION AGENCY you are looking for. We are prepared to fulfil your needs. What are you waiting for?

You may also be interested in other services:

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Native and specialised translators
and specialised translators

traductor españa

We guarantee punctuality and the highest quality.


Close contact with the customer


Team of experts in the field

They trust us

How can we help you?

Contact us for more information on how we can help you.

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