Chinese Translation Company

Mandarin Chinese is the official and working language throughout the country with 836 million speakers. Mandarin Chinese is not to be confused with Simplified Chinese.
Chinese Translation

Chinese translation – a growing market

Considering the progress of globalization, it could be said that China’s growth rate is progressively increasing. China is a competitive country in a global business and economic landscape. With the advancement of this country, Spain is becoming increasingly tied to China and these relations, generally business relations, have originated many needs in accordance with the businesses owned by them.As the need to mediate commercial agreements between the two countries arises, translation is necessary and, thus, so is a Chinese translation company that ensures a specialized and professional service such as the one we offer.The transactions that take place between China and Spain are very important at an economic level. In view of the importance of these transactions, translation orders must be handled with the utmost care and by qualified professionals in Asian languages in this field, like the team of our Chinese translation company at TRANSLINGUO. In addition, tourism is another approach to be taken into account, reason why the existence of a Chinese translation company is so important. At TRANSLINGUO GLOBAL, we want to facilitate the communicative exchange with the Chinese population and the large number of tourists that visit our country.In this way, the work carried out by our Chinese translation company will be the ideal tool to strengthen the relations with a world power like China. 

Will Chinese be the language of the future?

Language translation enables the communication between various languages and cultures. Since the U.S. is the main world power, English is the most spoken working language worldwide.Regarding technology, English is ahead of Chinese because inventions are based in English. Moreover, all technology and its terminology is usually in English, including terms that aren’t translated. Even if China advances as a power, it doesn’t mean that Chinese will be the new official language. In general, working languages linked to overseas empires have usually been at the forefront. This is due to the fact that native speakers can be located in different geographical locations.On the contrary, Chinese is only used as a mother tongue in Asian countries, unlike English, which is used as a working language worldwide. On the other hand, it wouldn’t be surprising if Spanish becomes the future working language. This is because it’s the second most spoken language and has a strong presence in Europe, America and Africa. For now, it seems that English will remain the official language based on technology and communication. However, the future cannot be predicted, including the evolution of languages.Visit our profiles in Facebook, Instagram y Linkedin

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